While I was back home for the madres operation I found a Turbo Jam DVD amonugst a bunch of books on my mums cabinet.
I was excited because I wanted to buy it when I first saw the informational way back in 2006.
Back in my younger days 2006/07 I use to spend anywhere from 2-4 hrs in the gym most days as I was a student studying and had nothing better to do with my time.
I'd finish course at 1pm then spend the rest of the day in the gym until my mum finished work at 5pm where we would then go home together. I use to do a lot of boxing back then and it's fair to say I was in SOOO MUCH better shape.
When I first saw Turbo Jam advertised it appealed to me as it incorporated boxing and kick-boxing moves the only thing I was always to screw-gee to pay the ridiculous price of 200.00 for the box set.
Fast-forward 6years and too many delicious burgers and desserts later I was ecstatic to find the disk on the cabinet, it was like a sign!
I tried out the "Learn and Burn" workout and it definitely makes you sweat! I feel like I'm getting in a good amount of cardio and personally find it more entertaining then Zumba. Zumba I find boring and end up quitting half way through so this is good though I must admit the first time I tried this I ended it only 4mins in as I was exhausted but it was 1am in the morning :)
I'm going to try do Turbo Jam at least 3 times a week and see how we go. I want to get back into boxing and start UFC (Ultimate Fighter) and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) so this is a good place to start to get my fitness up. I get through all the punches and kicks imagining that I'm an awesome UFC fighter haha
Along with my "Learn and Burn" workout today I have also dusted off the cobwebs of my "Ab Circle Pro" as I never really did complete the "Lose 10pounds in 10 days Challenge", a killer Body Rock workout and a Blogilates "Glad You Came Calve Challenge" - http://blogilates.com/challenges