Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Three Things Making Me Happy

Healtheries BedTime Tea

I Love the above tea.  It's delicious and really does what it claims.  Every night I will have a cup before bed and it calms me down while allowing me to happily drift off to sleep.

This tea is caffeine free and has a delicate refreshing flavour.  It is soothing,  comforting and calms your mind and body for a good night's sleep.

The coolest thing about the Healtheries brand is that each tea bag come with a cute little saying which makes drinking tea even more fun :)

Christmas Coffee Mug

Love Love Love this mug!  This is my go to mug when I'm at my aunts house because it's super cute and has an adorable Christmas tree on it.

Christmas is my FAVOURITE holiday so using this cup makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Also I believe pretty cups makes your drink taste nicer.  Makes sense in my mind so I'm going with it.

Rodney,  my dad's new cat

Rod is my dad's newest cat.  He was a little baby kitten and had no home so my dad took him in.  Goes without saying he is toooooo cute for words.

What makes him even more special is he looks like a little rat and wiggles his nose like Samantha from Bewitched.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Love Of My Life

My lovely cat Amber Cakes.

She is the most adorable cat in the world and I love her to bits.  These pictures are taken of Amber at her  holiday batch.

Ambie is 14years old :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Deliciousness In A Basket

My yummy and uber cool gift from Mat my amazing boyfriend.

My delicious treat was filled to the brim with a variety of apples,  pears,  plums,  peaches,  berries,  nectarines and delicious chocolate and special cookies which I ate by the bucket load when we lived in Sydney.

Needless to say I was one happy girl when Mat presented the above to me :)